
Be a world-class provider of integrated electroacoustic / sensing solutions
Thanksgiving society, action for loveThanksgiving society, action for love
Thanksgiving society, action for love
Xingang is committed to abide by laws and regulations, respect and safeguard the rights of employees. The company's business activities must be responsible for the society, and is committed to making the society we serve better.
To this end, the company declares that:
  • 01
    The use of child labor and forced labor is prohibited, and any supplier or subcontractor using child labor or forced labor is not accepted.
  • 02
    Respect workers' freedom and prohibit any form of forced labor.
  • 03
    Provide safe and healthy working and living conditions to ensure the safety and health of employees.
  • 04
    Promote labor capital cooperation and respect employees' freedom of association and collective bargaining rights.
  • 05
    Provide an equal and fair working environment and prohibit any form of discrimination.
  • 06
    Respect the basic human rights of employees and prohibit any form of degrading behavior.
  • 07
    Reasonable arrangement of production plan, reasonable arrangement of workers' working hours and rest and vacation.
  • 08
    Provide reasonable wages and benefits, at least to meet the basic needs of workers.
  • 09
    Abide by business ethics and ensure fair competition in business.
contact us
Shandong Xingang Electronic Te
  • Telephone:+86-536-7623222
  • Email:xg@ladynest.com
  • Address:Building 7,No 1369 Zhengtai Road,Fangzi district,Weifang city,Shandong
contacts: Liu Xiaomiao(Marketing Depart)
  • contact number:15318937280
  • Email:summer_liu@ladynest.com
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